Food Service Programs
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
Our district is committed to providing every student with the tools they need to succeed, including nutritious meals they can enjoy. We have been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), a meal program option offered by the United states Agricultural Department (USDA) that allows us to serve school breakfast and lunch at no charge to all enrolled students, regardless of financial condition.
About Food Services
The Crestwood School District Food Service Program is dedicated to providing students with a high-quality product and service that meets the nutritional guidelines of the National School Lunch Program while accommodating student preferences.
Changes in school lunch menus began July 1, 2012 as a result of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The Act is federal legislation aimed at fighting childhood obesity and childhood hunger, and ensures that school-provided meals are healthy, well-balanced and provide students all the nutrition they need to succeed at school. The Act includes the following key changes:
Schools are now required to offer minimum quantities of both fruits and vegetables every day to help ensure children increase their intake of these healthy food choices.
Lunch menus also emphasize a weekly variety of different types of vegetables: dark green, red/orange, dry beans and peas, starchy, and all other vegetables. Also, half of all grains offered must be whole grain.
Only fat-free 1% milk is permitted
Schools must adhere to a calorie range as well as restrictions on trans-fat, saturated fat, and sodium.
Elementary lunch menus are available in all elementary offices and posted in school websites; middle and high school menus are posted in the buildings and school websites. Menus are available on the site as well.
In addition to offering breakfast and lunch in all schools, the Crestwood Food Service Department provides the Crestwood Childcare program and GSRP program with breakfast and lunch.